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2018 Inductees in the Clifton Forge High School Sports Hall of Fame

Tom O'MearaQuarterback Club1953-1983
John Thomas ReynoldsFootball1965-1982
Gilbert Alexander DavisFootball1970-1974
Freddie Keeble LiptrapFootball,Basketball,Baseball1956-1959
Dr. Willett Lewis "Bill" LehewFootball1952-1956
David Allen HickmanFootball,Basketball,Baseball1961-1965
Donald Ray CorronBasketball1951-1954
Ray Wilson TilleryFootball1962-1966
Grady Andrew HaynesBasketball1972-1974
B. C. WilliamsFootball1966 - 1968
Robert Hankins GloverBaseball1943-1945
Robert Eugene "Bob" WarfSports Writer1958-1970
Mark DeanBasketball1965-1969
Joseph Henry "Joe" WoodFootball,Golf Tournament1952-1956
Cory E. "Sonny" HartbargerTrack & Field
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